Well..... it"s been a few years since I've been on a blog..... so long that I needed to start a new one. I'm also not very computer savvy, so this should be interesting.

A bit about us. I have a husband. With a glorious beard. So glorious that he is not allowed to shave it! EVER! Marc is his name. Marc with a C. C is for cool.... just kidding. Well sort of.

We have a daughter named Taylor who is 20 and is about to go out into the world and serve an LDS mission for 18 months. I will get to talk to her on Christmas and Mother's Day. When she leaves..... you will find me curled up in the corner of my Rec Center gym eating glazed square donuts and crying the ugly cry. That's all I will say about that.

There is a 16 year old boy named Bryce that completes our little family of four. And he is a hoot. I have never met a boy like Bryce. And I must say.... everyone needs a Bryce in their life. He will keep you on your toes. Or pulling your hair out. It's always a toss up with him.

So that"s about it. We are pretty normal. So normal that it"s boring most days. I don't have many skills and talents to post about. I'm not a DIY'er. I don't take exotic trips or wear 20 outfits a day to post picture of. That's WAY too much laundry to deal with. I'm just a mom who takes her son to summer school. And I like naps. Although now that I eat Keto, I lay with my eyes wide open trying to nap. So instead I catch up on all The Real Housewives shows I'm addicted to. So I can say that..... I'm a Bravo Whore. And I claim this proudly!!!
